Joseph Hubertus Pilates, inventor of this world-renowned method, was born in Germany in 1883. A sickly child with poor health, Pilates challenged himself to become physically stronger. He dedicated his entire life to improving his physique. He studied martial arts, yoga and thai-chi, to in turn become a professional boxer, a gymnast and a skier. He was passionate about anatomy. In the beginning he called his regimen “Contrology” or the art of control. IN THE BEGINNING HE CALLED HIS REGIMEN “CONTROLOGY” OR THE ART OF CONTROL. At the age of 32, this self-taught athlete moved to England to earn a living as a professional boxer, a self-defense trainer and a circus performer. During World War I, he was interned in Lancaster where he organized physical training and healthy lifestyle lessons for the other inmates. He took springs from the beds rigging them to develop his initial concept of resistance. Results were surprising and his reputation began to grow. After the war, Pilates returned to Germany where he worked with Von Laban (dancer, choreographer and inventor of dance notation). Pilates moved to the United States in 1926. On the ship to America, he met his future wife Clara. Together, the couple opened a studio in New York City. The Pilates method quickly found its devotees in the circus, the performing arts and the dance communities thanks to George Balanchine and Martha Graham, both convinced of its efficiency. For the next 40 years, Pilates continued to teach, perfecting and practicing his method. A tireless perfectionist, he died in 1967 at the age of 87. His wife Clara died 10 years later. They left their legacy to Romana, former Balanchine dancer and long-time Pilates disciple and assistant. Much more than a technique, Pilates is a philosophy!

Joseph Pilates
Joseph Hubertus Pilates, vynálezce této světově známé metody, byl narozen v Německu v roce 1883. Nemocné dítě se špatným zdravím, Pilates se odhodlal k tomu, stát se silnějším. Oddal celý svůj život zlepšení své fyzické síly. Studoval bojové umění, jógu a thai-chi, aby se stal profesionálním boxerem, gymnastem a lyžařem. Jeho vášní byla anatomie. Z počátku nazval svůj regiment In the beginning he called his regimen “Contrology” or the art of control. IN THE BEGINNING HE CALLED HIS REGIMEN “CONTROLOGY” OR THE ART OF CONTROL. Ve 32 letech se tento samoučný atlet přestěhoval do Anglie a vydělával tam jako profesionální boxer, sebeobraný trenér a cirkusák. Během první světové války byl převeden do Lancastru, kde organizoval fyzické tréninky a hodiny o zdravém životním stylu pro své spoluvězně. Vzal pružiny z postelíHe took springs from the beds rigging them to develop his initial concept of resistance. Results were surprising and his reputation began to grow. After the war, Pilates returned to Germany where he worked with Von Laban (dancer, choreographer and inventor of dance notation). Pilates moved to the United States in 1926. On the ship to America, he met his future wife Clara. Together, the couple opened a studio in New York City. The Pilates method quickly found its devotees in the circus, the performing arts and the dance communities thanks to George Balanchine and Martha Graham, both convinced of its efficiency. For the next 40 years, Pilates continued to teach, perfecting and practicing his method. A tireless perfectionist, he died in 1967 at the age of 87. His wife Clara died 10 years later. They left their legacy to Romana, former Balanchine dancer and long-time Pilates disciple and assistant. Much more than a technique, Pilates is a philosophy!

Romana Kryzanowska
Romana Kryzanowska, named Joseph Pilates’ successor, took over the reins of the Pilates business. She structured the method and founded Romana´s Pilates School, later renamed True Pilates New York. Romana’s daughter, Sari Mejia Santo, also a student of Joseph Pilates, carries on the original and authentic methods of Joseph Pilates. This rich and rigorous training guarantees the high quality and professionalism of its instructors. It is faithful to the original and authentic legacy of Joseph Pilates: long hours of apprenticeship, observation, and supervised exams, both written and oral, given by qualified teachers. THIS CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT IS A WORLD-RENOWNED REFERENCE AND USED BY MANY PILATES STUDIOS.

Jérémie Perroud
Born in France, Jérémie Perroud studied dance at the Conservatoire National de Region de Grenoble and continued his education at the Ecole Nationale de La Rochelle, in the pre-professional class. After the Ballet du Rhin and the Jeune Ballet de France, he spent ten years as a soloist dancer in the Lyon National Opera Ballet, where he obtained his state teaching certificate. During his dance career, Jérémie traveled all over the world and worked with the most acclaimed choreographers. Due to an injury, he was forced to end his high-level dance career, and started his transition from dance to the Pilates method. His training took place at the Studio Pilates de Paris, directed by Philippe Taupin, first importer of the original Pilates method in France. The Studio Pilates de Paris works directly with True Pilates New York studio, the studio of Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Meija-Santo, the undisputed masters of the Pilates method. Since obtaining his Romana’s Pilates teaching certificate, Jérémie Perroud works as a free-lance instructor in several Romana’s Pilates studios in France and in the USA. In 2010, during a Romana’s Pilates conference in Florida, he was named a Level IV instructor Trainer. Since then he has participated in the preparation and training of instructors at the Studio Pilates de Paris. He continues to perfect his skills by traveling around the world and attending conferences, seminars and CPE (Continuing Professional Education) where he has worked with the most important Romana’s Pilates instructors in the world. He has also been invited to several international Pilates studios to teach seminars and workshops. Romana’s Pilates directors asked him to organize the international conference Romana’s Pilates Nice 2012 and Prague 2018. In 2015, during a Romana's Pilates conference in New York, he was named a level III Senior instructor Trainer.